Membership of the CCNP is open to all professionals regardless of sex, race, creed or tribe. The CCNP is pro-active and apolitical.
Classes of members
Membership is divided into three classes of members:
Full members
Full members are any person of good moral and professional standing who holds at least a State Diploma in Nursing or other higher qualification or any other recognised equivalent diploma.
Associate or affiliated members
Associate or affiliative membership is open to student nurses, nursing assistants and nursesí aides.
Honorary members
Honorary members are nurses whose current activity is not directly nursing care but who have rendered distinguished service to nursing. Honorary membership is also open to persons from other professions who are interested in fostering nursing through their moral, financial, administrative and political assistance.
Applying for membership
Every aspiring member shall apply for membership on the prescribed application form approved by the Association, and signed by the applicant. The application shall include a confirmed photocopy of the highest qualification. The national executive approves or rejects membership applications and issues the membership card.